Move, Breathe, & Shine

Nourish your soul, embrace your true self, and live with purpose.

I’m Helly, and I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. This space is dedicated to helping you reconnect with your true essence and inner light.

Whether you’re nurturing your well-being with yoga, diving into personal growth with our courses, or exploring creativity in our studio, know that you’re in a supportive community where every part of you is celebrated.

Let’s journey together, empowering your mind, body, and spirit.

Welcome, beautiful soul

I discovered yoga during a tough time when I was searching for my own light after years of dealing with depression. It quickly became my safe haven—something that not only strengthens my body but also nurtures my spirit and boosts my self-awareness.

Yoga has helped me find strength in doubt, calm in chaos, and a deep connection to my inner self. It keeps me inspired and helps me live more joyfully and authentically every day.

Join me in exploring how wellness practices can enrich your life, helping you connect more deeply with yourself and live with purpose and passion.

My path has been a beautiful blend of creativity, entrepreneurship, and the transformative practice of yoga.

Whether you're seeking to deepen your yoga practice, expand your personal growth, or ignite your creative passions, I offer a range of experiences designed to support you on your path to living a joyful, purposeful life.

Your journey starts here

Discover yoga as your sanctuary for body and spirit. Experience resilience, peace, and a profound connection to your inner wisdom through a curated blend of yoga practices. Join me in embracing joy and authenticity every day.

Your sacred yoga sanctuary for inner radiance.


Tailored for yoga teachers and wellness entrepreneurs, this nurturing space provides resources and guidance to elevate your teaching, expand your reach, and cultivate meaningful connections within the wellness community.

Nurture your wellness business and elevate your impact.


Explore enriching courses and workshops designed to nurture personal growth and spiritual fulfillment. From mindfulness to self-discovery, each offering is crafted to empower you on your journey of living with purpose and passion.

Empower yourself through knowledge and practice.

Courses & Workshops

Join me for a transformative retreats focused on rejuvenation, self-discovery, and community. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to immerse yourself in healing practices and connect with like-minded souls.

Join us for immersive retreat experiences.

Retreats for women

©2024 Helly Jo All rights reserved

Site Credits

Photography & Video by Andrew Broadhurst